Gemstones are magical!

I started working with gemstones and crystals because I enjoyed them for their beauty and was fascinated by their metaphysical properties. The more I worked with them the more I was experiencing their benefits. I started making bracelets because I wanted to have certain combinations of stones in jewelry that I didn't see available to purchase. This hobby became a passion and this shop grew from that.
To further develop my passion I took classes in Reiki healing and became certified so that I am able to infuse my jewelry with Reiki energy. I have a passion for the benefits of Reiki and gemstone/crystal healing and hope that you enjoy looking at my creations. My hope is that you find something here that will either inspire you or benefit you. If you don't see exactly what you are looking for, please feel free to ask! I am always happy to help make each piece as special and unique as you are.
Thank you for visiting my shop,
